Olympic View Friends Church is taking our Youth Group to Quaker Cove this Spring Break!

We are going to be staying at Quaker Cove Friends Camp near Anacortes WA.
Cost is only $20 plus spending money if they would like to buy anything extra. We will be serving at the camp for 6 hours each day, then enjoying many of the different attractions at and near the camp. For more information you may call me, Rob at 541-777-7990 or e-mail me at hello@ovfc.org. Also, in case of an emergency, the number for Quaker Cove Friends Camp is 1(360)899-8269. We will be leaving from the church at 6pm on Friday April 7th. We will be heading to Quaker Cove, where we will be serving until we come home on Sunday evening.

Students will need to have the following: Permission Slip (due March 15th); $20 and food money for on the way there and back (or sack dinner for on the way there), Sleeping Bag & Pillow; Rain Gear (Rain coat and boots re- quired, rain pants recommended); Enough clothes for the trip (include 4 sets of extra clothes, there is a high chance of rain); Toiletries; and a Bible. We are allowing no iPods (music players) or cellphone use (except for contacting parents). We want the focus to be on community and serving. We will be home by 7pm on Sunday April 9th.